Monday, December 5, 2011

Midnight Meat Medley

So, I've been spending more and more time hiding out in my bedroom trying to keep sane while I count the days until I get my own place.  The other night I was hanging out in my room and trying to go to sleep when out in the house arose such a clatter.  It was almost midnight and I heard loud repeated pounding coming from the kitchen.  After about a minute of hearing this I decided I should go see what was the matter.  I thought perhaps one of the Elephants who lives upstairs was stuck outside and pounding on the glass door.

It sounded pretty urgent, so I got up out of bed and shuffled down the hall towards the kitchen.  As I approached I heard some chatter amidst the pounding.  I rounded the corner  with wide inquisitive eyes to find the Elephants preparing a full course meal... at midnight.  The pounding I had heard was the sound of Mr. Elephant using a mallet to tenderize the chicken.... at midnight.....  

Mrs. Elephant looked up and asked, "Oh! Were you sleeping?"


"I'm sorry, we didn't know you would be asleep by now."


"Is mom asleep?"


"Oh gee, we just didn't think."


"Sorry about that!"

"Yeah.... goodnight."

If only I could train them to do their dishes..... at midnight.

It's a good thing the Elephants aren't Gremlins, or I would have had a horror movie on my hands.  Although, I think I'd rather live with Gizmo.

2 more days until I have my own place....

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