Sunday, December 4, 2011

Daily Defeat

I think the toilet is conspiring against me.

This is not my toilet.  I am staying with people until I get my own place, so it's their toilet that hates me.  

Everyday I use this particular toilet it takes multiple flushes to work.  This is not my fault.  Sometimes it won't even flush when empty, this toilet is taunting me.  You can see the water thinking about leaving the bowl, but then it's like it changes its mind or is too lazy to care. Every time I go to the bathroom I have to gear myself up for the possibility that the toilet won't work.  The bathroom shouldn't be this emotionally upsetting unless you're weighing yourself.  The toilet gets moody when it's most inconvenient for me; in the middle of the night when I'm cold and am half asleep, when I have to rush out of the house quickly, or when I'm feeling especially down about not having my own place yet.  

Each time I flush and it doesn't work, I have to stand there like an idiot and wait for the incessant noise of a running toilet to stop before I try again.  The record number of flushes is 4 so far.  

Each time I flush the toilet and it doesn't work it makes me feel defeated.  This is my daily defeat.  The toilet is constantly mocking me "You don't have your own place AND you can't flush me properly."  

Stupid toilet.  Four more days and I will have my own toilet that works. No more hanging my head in shame every time I leave the bathroom.  I will hold my head high in four days and show the world that I, Flute Doctor, can flush a toilet!

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