Monday, December 5, 2011

Facebook is the new Post-it

This story has nothing to do with my post-doctorate life except that it explains my decision not to date until degree completion.

Last fall I returned home from a 2-month trip to Italy, Greece, and Turkey.  I had one year left on my doctorate in which I was to focus on my dissertation and comprehensive exams so I could get the f--- out of school.  So, I decided that single life was the life I would lead.  Boys distract.  Two days after I announced this decision to friends, I met someone- we will call him DB for the sake of this story.

DB and I met and he seemed nice.  We had quite a bit of fun together despite his love of a "midwest" university that I think is highly overrated and totes lame.  After about a month, however, it was obvious our little relationship wasn't going to work.  So, I told him we should meet up for a little chat.  DB did not respond to this request.  After awhile I resorted to a Facebook message stating we should at least "do this in person since we will still have to work together this year." Still no response.  I decided to go about my business  because I had more important things to do, and I had a big concert coming up.

The next day I was getting ready to leave for the concert hall.  I checked Facebook one last time, because let's face it, I'm addicted to Facebook and I can't even go to a concert without checking the latest updates- this was pre-iphone for me (I shudder to think of life back then).  Anyway, I finally got a response from DB an hour before my concert.  Long story short, he broke up with me via Facebook message. A 32 year old broke up with me on Facebook.  What a douche bag.

I informed my roommate of the incident.

Her response was succinct and acute.  "Douche bag. Facebook is the new Post-it."

Following DB's douchebaggary, I realized I should have stuck with my original decision to remain single for the academic year.  The good news is, post-doctorate dating is just as eventful.  Hilarity has ensued.

Watch Sex and the City Season 6, "The Post-it Always Sticks Twice" if you don't get the Post-it reference. 

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